
Bridgestone uued 2020 mootorratta rehvid!

Bridgestoen uued 2020 rehvid

Bridgestone Battlax Classic Racing CR11
110/80 R18 & 150/65 R18

Bridgestone Battlax BT46
21 front & 27 rear

Bridgestone Battlax Racing Street RS11
120/70 ZR17 front & 190/55, 200/55

Bridgestone Battlecross E50 Extreme
140/80 – 18

Mootorratta rehvid tuntud brändidelt. Valikust leiab rehve maanteel sõiduks kui ka ringrajale, krossiks või enduroks. Leia parimad pakkumised siit – lihtne tellida!


Metzeler Cruisetec rehv

Metzeler Cruisetec rehvid

Metzeler Cruisetec mootorratta rehvid


130/90 B 16 M/C 73H REINFTL
150/80 – 16 M/C 71H TL
MT90 B 16 M/C 72H TL
130/80 B 17 M/C 65H TL
130/70 R 18 M/C 63H TL
100/90 – 19 M/C 57H TL
110/90 – 19 M/C 62H TL
120/70 ZR 19 M/C (60W) TL
130/60 B 19 M/C 61H TL
120/70 B 21 M/C 68H REINFTL
MH90 – 21 M/C 54H TL


130/90 B 16 M/C 73H REINFTL
150/80 B 16 M/C 77H REINFTL
180/60 R 16 M/C 80H REINFTL
180/65 B 16 M/C 81H REINFTL
180/70 B 16 M/C 77H TL
MU85 B 16 M/C 77H TL
160/70 B 17 M/C 79V REINFTL
200/55 R 17 M/C 78V TL
150/70 B 18 M/C 76H REINFTL
180/55 B 18 M/C 80H REINFTL
180/55 ZR 18 M/C (74W) TL
240/40 VR 18 M/C (79V) TL
260/40 VR 18 M/C (84V) TL

Mopeedi, rolleri, mootorratta rehvid. Mopeedid | Rollerid | Maantee | Enduro | Enduro FIM | Krossi |


Pirelli Diablo Rosso III – Supersport rehvid!

Pirelli diablo rosso 3

Pirelli Diablo Rosso III.
Supersport mootorratta rehvid.

120/60 ZR 17 M/C (55W) TL
120/65 ZR 17 M/C (56W) TL
120/70 ZR 17 M/C (58W) TL (D)
120/70 ZR 17 M/C (58W) TL
120/70 ZR 17 M/C (58W) TL (K)
110/70 R 17 M/C 54H TL
110/70 ZR 17 M/C 54W TL
100/80 R 17 M/C 52H TL

240/45 ZR 17 M/C (82W) TL
200/55 ZR 17 M/C (78W) TL
190/50 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL
190/55 ZR 17 M/C (75W) TL (D)
190/55 ZR 17 M/C (75W) TL
180/55 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL (D)
180/55 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL
180/60 ZR 17 M/C (75W) TL
160/60 ZR 17 M/C (69W) TL
150/60 ZR 17 M/C 66W TL


Pirelli Angel GT II – Uus sport touring 2019!

pirelli-angel-gt-2-II rehvid

Pirelli Angel GT II 2019! Uus 2019. Sport touring mootorratta rehv.

120/60 ZR 17 M/C (55W) TL
120/70 ZR 17 M/C (58W) TL
110/80 ZR 18 M/C (58W) TL
120/70 ZR 18 M/C (59W) TL

150/70 ZR 17 M/C (69W) TL
160/60 ZR 17 M/C (69W) TL
170/60 ZR 17 M/C (72W) TL
180/55 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL
180/55 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL (A)
190/50 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL
190/50 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL (A)
190/55 ZR 17 M/C (75W) TL
190/55 ZR 17 M/C (75W) TL (A)
190/55 ZR 17 M/C (75W) TL (D)
160/60 ZR 18 M/C (70W) TL


Bridgestone Battlax BT-45 – Palju suurusi!

Kuidas osta Bridgestone mootorratta rehvid

Sport touring tänav rehvid: Bridgestone Battlax BT-45

BATTLAX BT-45 (Front) 

Tire SizeStandard Rim(inch)Appr. Rim(inch)OD(mm)TW(mm)
100/90-16 M/C 54H TL2.502.15~2.75585100
100/80-17 M/C 52H TL2.501.85~2.75596100
110/70-17 M/C 54H TL3.002.75~3.50587106
110/80-17 M/C 57H TL2.502.15~3.00609107
120/70-17 M/C 58H TL3.503.00~3.50606123
3.50-18 56H W2.151.85~2.50651104
90/90-18 M/C 51H TL2.151.85~2.5062289
100/80-18 M/C 53H TL2.501.85~2.75617100
100/90-18 M/C 56H TL2.501.85~2.75642100
3.25-19 54H TL2.501.85~2.50664100
100/90-19 M/C 57H W2.501.85~2.75663100
90/90-21 M/C 54H TL2.151.85~2.5070292

BATTLAX BT-45 (Rear) 

Tire SizeStandard Rim(inch)Appr. Rim(inch)OD(mm)TW(mm)
130/90-16 M/C 67H TL3.002.50~3.50639135
110/90-17 M/C 60H TL2.502.15~3.00631112
120/80-17 M/C 61H TL2.752.15~3.00630119
130/70-17 M/C 62H TL3.503.00~4.00617136
130/80-17 M/C 65H W3.002.50~3.50638131
130/80-17 M/C 65H TL3.002.50~3.50641131
140/70-17 M/C 66H TL4.003.50~4.50627145
150/70-17 M/C 69H TL4.003.50~4.50644149
4.00-18 64H W2.152.15~3.00673119
4.00-18 64H TL2.152.15~3.00673119
110/80-18 M/C 58H TL2.502.15~3.00634110
110/90-18 M/C 61H TL2.502.15~3.00658110
120/80-18 M/C 62H TL2.752.15~3.00653120
130/70-18 M/C 63H TL3.503.00~4.00641128
140/70-18 M/C 67H TL4.003.50~4.50652145
150/70-18 M/C 70H TL4.003.50~4.50668149

Bridgestone uued 2018: Racing R11, Touring T31, Adventure A41, Scooter SC2

Mootorratta rehvid uued 2018 bridgestone

Bridgestone mootorratta rehvid 2018

Bridgestone Battlax Racing R11, Bridgestone Battlax Touring T31, Bridgestone Battlax Adventure A41, Bridgestone Battlax Scooter SC2 ja Bridgestone Battlax Scooter SC2 Rain.

Rehvitootja Bridgestone pöörab mootorratta rehvide tootmisele erilist tähelepanu. Bridgestone alustas mootorratta rehvide tootmist 1960ndatel. Täna on 30% uutel mootorratastel, mis sisenevad Prantsuse turule, all sõidukitootja valitud Bridgestone’i rehvid. Jaapani rehvitootja keskendub nüüd kõikidele mootorratturite ootustele vastamise eesmärgil täielikult rehvide sooritusvõime ja töökindluse parandamisele.


Bridgestone Battlax Racing R11 / peagi tulekul 2018

Batllax R11 moto rehvid

Päästke valla tõeline võidusõitja.Seninägematu sooritusvõime. Kiiremad ringiajad. Rehvi pikem tööiga.


Bridgestone Battlax Sport Touring T31 / peagi tulekul 2018

Sportlikkus T31 Bridgestone

Kooslus sportlikkusest ja esmaklassilise maanteerehvi vastupidavusest ning
usaldusväärsusest. Battlax T31 sisaldab endas Battlax T30 sportlikku juhitavustäpsust koos esmaklassilise haarduvuse ja tõhususega märjal teekattel.


Bridgestone Battlax Adventure A41 / peagi tulekul 2018

Battlax a41 Paindlikkus, vastupidavus, usaldusväärsus

Battlax A41 rehvid pakuvad mugavat ja sujuvat sõitu nii kurvilistel teedel kui ebatasasel pinnasel. Battlax A41 rehvid on valmistatud tänapäevaste tehniliselt keerukate reisimootorrataste tarbeks. Rehve on testitud kõigis tee- ja ilmastikuoludes.


Bridgestone Battlax Scooter SC2 ja Rain / peagi tulekul 2018

scooter rehvid 2018



Metzeler Roadtec 01 parim rehv 2017!

Metzeler Roadtec 01 mootorratta rehv

Metzeler Roadtec 01 “tyre of the year 2017”

MCN (motorcycle news): Metzeler Roadtec 01 “Tyre of the Year 2017”

Metzeler Roadtec 01 mootorratta rehv:

* Kaasaaegne sport-touring rehv
* Kehtib kuni kaupa jätkub
* Uue põlvkonna sporttouring rehv Roadtec 01
* Maksimaalne pidamine külmas ja märjal, olles ka kuival parim
* Suurepärase kestvusega
* Ainulaadne rehvimuster

Mootorratta esirehv
120/60 ZR 17 M/C (55W) TL
120/70 ZR 17 M/C (58W) HWM TL
120/70 ZR 17 M/C (58W) TL
110/80 R 19 M/C 59V TL
120/70 ZR 19 M/C 60W TL

Mootorratta tagarehv
150/70 R 17 M/C 69V TL
160/60 ZR 17 M/C (69W) TL
170/60 ZR 17 M/C 72W TL
180/55 ZR 17 M/C (73W) HWM TL
180/55 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL
190/50 ZR 17 M/C (73W) HWM TL
190/50 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL
190/55 ZR 17 M/C (75W) HWM TL
190/55 ZR 17 M/C (75W) TL



Metzeler ME 888 Marathon Ultra – Custom / Chopper rehvid

Mootorratta- ja motorollerirehvid

Metzeler ME 888 Marathon Ultra rehvid

ME 888 Marathon ULTRA mootorratta rehvid. Maanteesõiduks ülimatel rehvidel, mis tagavad ülima sõidumugavuse. Optimaalne sooritusvõime. Suurepärane haardevõime ja juhitavus isegi raskete koormatega annavad vabaduse täie rahuga maanteed neelata. on rehvipood internetis. Tahame pakkuda kõige lihtsamat ja ostjale mugavamat võimalust kvaliteetsete rehvide soetamiseks soodsa hinnaga. Meie e-poest leiate rehvid oma mootorratta: Sport, touring, Chopper, cruiser, enduuro, motokross, võidusõit, roller, mopeed.

Mootorratta esirehv
MH90-21 M/C TL 54H
MT90B16 M/C TL 72H
130/90 – 16 M/C 67H TL
130/90 B 16 M/C 73H REINFTL
150/80 – 16 M/C 71H TL
150/80 R 16 M/C 71V TL
120/70 B 17 M/C 58V TL
130/80 B 17 M/C 65H TL
140/80 – 17 M/C 69H TL
150/80 R 17 M/C 72V TL
100/90 – 18 M/C 56H TL
110/90 – 18 M/C 61H TL
130/70 B 18 M/C 63H TL
130/70 R 18 M/C 63H TL
100/90 – 19 M/C 57H TL
110/90 – 19 M/C 62H TL
120/70 ZR 19 M/C (60W) TL
130/60 B 19 M/C 61H TL
120/70 B 21 M/C 68H REINFTL
80/90 – 21 M/C 48H TL
90/90 – 21 M/C 54H TL
130/60 B 23 M/C 65H TL
120/55 R 26 M/C 67H REINFTL

Mootorratta tagarehv
MT90B16 M/C TL 74H
MU85B16 M/C TL 77H
140/90 B 15 M/C 70H TL
150/90 B 15 M/C 80H REINFTL
170/80 B 15 M/C 77H TL
180/70 B 15 M/C 76H TL
130/90 B 16 M/C 73H REINFTL
140/90 B 16 M/C 77H REINFTL
150/80 B 16 M/C 77H REINFTL
160/80 B 16 M/C 75H TL
170/70 B 16 M/C 75H TL
180/60 R 16 M/C 74H TL
180/60 R 16 M/C 80H REINFTL
180/65 B 16 M/C 81H REINFTL
180/70 R 16 M/C 77V TL
200/60 R 16 M/C 79V TL
160/70 B 17 M/C 79V REINFTL
180/60 B 17 M/C 75V TL
200/50 ZR 17 M/C 75W TL
200/55 R 17 M/C 78V TL
150/70 B 18 M/C 76H REINFTL
180/55 B 18 M/C 80H REINFTL
180/55 ZR 18 M/C (74W) TL
200/50 R 18 M/C 82H REINFTL
240/40 VR 18 M/C (79V) TL



Michelin Pilot Road 2, 3 ja 4 – Sport touring rehvid

kahekomponendiline sport- touring

Michelin Pilot Road – Mootorratta rehvid

Michelin Pilot Road 2 – sport touring rehv

2CT touring rehv!

Michelin Pilot Road 2 190/50 ZR17 73(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 2 180/55 ZR17 73(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 2 160/60 ZR17 69(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 2 120/70 ZR17 58(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 2 150/70 ZR17 69(W)


Michelin Pilot Road 3 – sport touring rehv

Sport-touring kahekomponendiline rehv. Testivõitja!

Michelin Pilot Road 3 190/50 ZR17 73(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 3 180/55 ZR17 73(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 3 190/55 ZR17 75(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 3 160/60 ZR17 69(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 3 120/70 ZR17 58(W)


Michelin Pilot Road 4 – sport touring rehv

Ülipopulaarne kahekomponendiline sport- touring rehv jätkab menuka seeriaga. Märksõnadeks parim pidamine märjal, ühtlane stabiilsus kõikides oludes ja veel suurem kulumiskindlus. Saada kolmes versioonis: Pilot Road 4, Pilot Road 4 GT ja Pilot Road 4 Trail.

Michelin Pilot Road 4
Pilot Road 4 120/60 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 120/70 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 150/70 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 160/60 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 180/55 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 190/50 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 190/55 ZR 17

Michelin Pilot Road 4 GT
Pilot Road 4 GT 120/70 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 GT 120/70 ZR 18
Pilot Road 4 GT 170/60 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 GT 180/55 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 GT 190/50 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 GT 190/55 ZR 17

Michelin Pilot Road 4 Trail
Pilot Road 4 Trail 110/80 R 19
Pilot Road 4 Trail 120/70 R 19
Pilot Road 4 Trail 150/70 R 17
Pilot Road 4 Trail 170/60 R 17


Mõõdud ja hinnad: pilot road



Dunlop Sportsmart 2 Max – 2017!

Mootorratta rehvid dunlop

Dunlop Sportmart 2 MAX – Sport rehvid

  • Sportmart 2 MAX on mõeldud agressiivsemaks tänavasõiduks kõikides ilmastikutingimustes
  • Parem haarduvus kurvides märjal ja kuival teel
  • Parem haarduvus teepinnaga
  • Rohkem sõidumõnu
  • Lühem pidurdusmaa, eriti suuremal kiirusel

Rehvide müük – pakume parima hinnaklassiga laia rehvivalikut. Rehvid kohe laos!


Saadaval suurused – Dunlop Sportmax Sportsmart 2 Tread F/R

110/70 R17 M/C 54H TL SportSmart 2 Max F
120/60 ZR17 M/C (55W) TL SportSmart 2 Max F
120/70 R17 M/C 58H TL SportSmart 2 Max F
120/70 ZR17 M/C (58W) TL SportSmart 2 Max F

150/60 R17 M/C 66H TL SportSmart 2 Max R
160/60 R17 M/C 69H TL SportSmart 2 Max R
160/60 ZR17 M/C (69W) TL SportSmart 2 Max R
180/55 ZR17 M/C (73W) TL SportSmart 2 Max R
180/60 ZR17 M/C (75W) TL SportSmart 2 Max R
190/50 ZR17 M/C (73W) TL SportSmart 2 Max R
190/55 ZR17 M/C (75W) TL SportSmart 2 Max R
200/55 ZR17 M/C (78W) TL SportSmart 2 Max R