
Michelin Commander 3 – Cruisers & Touring rehvid

Commander 3 moto rehvid

Michelin Commander 3 – V-Twin Cruisers & Touring moto rehvid

Hinnad ja rehvide suurused:

Michelin Commander 3 Cruiser

Front Sizes
130/90 B16 M/C 73H reinf. TL/TT
140/75 R17 M/C 67V TL
100/90 B19 M/C 57H TL/TT
110/90 B19 M/C 62H TL/TT
80/90 -21 M/C 54H reinf. TL/TT
90/90 -21 M/C 54H TL/TT
Rear Sizes
140/90 B15 M/C 76H reinf. TL/TT
150/90 B15 M/C 74H TL/TT
170/80 B15 M/C 77H TL/TT
180/70 B15 M/C 76H TL/TT
130/90 B16 M/C 73H reinf. TL/TT
140/90 B16 M/C 77H reinf. TL/TT
150/80 B16 M/C 77H reinf. TL/TT
160/70 B17 M/C 73V TL/TT
200/55 R17 M/C 78V TL

Michelin Commander 3 Touring

Front Sizes
130/90 B16 M/C 73H reinf. TL/TT
MT90 B16 M/C 72H TL/TT
130/80 B17 M/C 65H TL/TT
130/70 B18 M/C 63H TL/TT
120/70 R19 M/C 60V TL/TT
130/60 B19 M/C 61H TL/TT
120/70 B21 M/C 68H reinf. TL/TT
MH90 -21 M/C 54H TL/TT
Rear Sizes
180/65 B16 M/C 81H reinf. TL/TT
MT90 B16 M/C 74H TL/TT
MU85 B16 M/C 77H TL/TT
180/55 B18 M/C 80H reinf. TL/TT


Michelin Road 5 / GT / Trail moto rehvid

michelin road 5

Rehvid põhinevad 2CT silica-kummisegutehnoloogial. Äärealadel on segu pehmem, nii on rehvil varasemast kindlam pidamine kurvides. Rehvi keskel on kummisegu tugevam kulumiskindluse tagamiseks. Pidurdusvõime kestab kogu kummide eluea.

Michelin Road 5:

Michelin Road 5

120/60 ZR17 M/C (55W) TL
120/70 ZR17 M/C (58W) TL
150/70 R17 M/C 69V TL
150/70 ZR17 M/C (69W) TL
160/60 ZR17 M/C (69W) TL
170/60 ZR17 M/C 72W TL
180/55 ZR17 M/C (73W) TL
190/50 ZR17 M/C (73W) TL
190/55 ZR17 M/C (75W) TL
110/80 R19 M/C 59V TL
120/70 ZR19 M/C 60W TL

Michelin Road 5 GT

120/70 ZR17 (58W)
170/60 ZR17 (72W)
180/55 ZR17 (73W)
190/50 ZR17 (73W)
120/70 ZR18 (59W)

Michelin Road 5 Trail

150/70 R17 69V
170/60 ZR17 72W
110/80 R19 59V
120/70 ZR19 60W


Michelin Road 5 GT – 2019 sport touring rehv!

Michelin Pilot Road 5 GT rehvid on suurepärane valik maanteesõiduks sport touring ratastele. Rehvid põhinevad 2CT silica-kummisegutehnoloogial. Uus GT sport touring mootorratta rehvid!

Michelin Road 5 GT – rehvide suurused :


  • BMW R850 RT, R1150 RT, K1200 GT, K1200 RS, R1200 RT, K1300 GT, K1600 GT / GTL
  • Ducati ST2
  • Honda ST1300 Pan European
  • Kawasaki 1400 GTR
  • Moto Guzzi Norge 1200 / 1200 GT
  • Triumph Trophy 900 / 1200, Sprint GT
  • Yamaha FJR1300 (all)

Baltimaade suurima mootorrataste (rollerite/mopeedide) rehvide valik parimate hindadega.


Michelin mootorratta rehvid Road 5, Power RS & RS+

Michelin moto rehvid

Michelin moto rehvid: Michelin Road 5, Michelin Power RS & Michelin Power RS+.

Michelin Road 5:

Michelin Power RS:

Mootorratta rehvid saadaval suures valikus. Müüme mootorratta-, mopeedi- ja rollerirehve!


Michelin Anakee Adventure – Moto rehvid 2019!

Michelin Anakee Adventure

Michelin Anakee Adventure – Enduro rehvid 2019

Uus mootorratta rehvid Michelin Anakee Adventure (80% road / 20% offroad)

100/90 – 19 M/C 57V
170/60 R 17 M/C 72V
140/80 R 17 M/C 69H
90/90 – 21 M/C 54V
150/70 R 17 M/C 69V
110/80 R 19 M/C 59V
130/80 R 17 M/C 65H
150/70 R 18 M/C 70V
120/70 R 19 M/C 60V



Michelin Road 5 – Nüüd saadaval!

Michelin Road 5 Alati parim hind

Michelin Road 5 – Uus 2018 mootorratta rehvid

Ülipopulaarne kahekomponendiline sport- touring rehv jätkab menuka seeriaga. Uus 2018! Baltimaade suurima mootorrataste rehvide valik parimate hindadega

120/60 ZR17 (55W)
120/70 ZR17 (58W)

160/60 ZR17 (69W)
150/70 ZR17 (69W)
180/55 ZR17 (73W)
190/50 ZR17 (73W)
190/55 ZR17 (75W)

110/80 R19 59V (Trail)
150/70 R17 69V (Trail)

120/70 ZR19 (Trail) (June 2018)
170/60 ZR17 (Trail) (June 2018)


Michelin Pilot Road 2, 3 ja 4 – Sport touring rehvid

kahekomponendiline sport- touring

Michelin Pilot Road – Mootorratta rehvid

Michelin Pilot Road 2 – sport touring rehv

2CT touring rehv!

Michelin Pilot Road 2 190/50 ZR17 73(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 2 180/55 ZR17 73(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 2 160/60 ZR17 69(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 2 120/70 ZR17 58(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 2 150/70 ZR17 69(W)


Michelin Pilot Road 3 – sport touring rehv

Sport-touring kahekomponendiline rehv. Testivõitja!

Michelin Pilot Road 3 190/50 ZR17 73(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 3 180/55 ZR17 73(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 3 190/55 ZR17 75(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 3 160/60 ZR17 69(W)
Michelin Pilot Road 3 120/70 ZR17 58(W)


Michelin Pilot Road 4 – sport touring rehv

Ülipopulaarne kahekomponendiline sport- touring rehv jätkab menuka seeriaga. Märksõnadeks parim pidamine märjal, ühtlane stabiilsus kõikides oludes ja veel suurem kulumiskindlus. Saada kolmes versioonis: Pilot Road 4, Pilot Road 4 GT ja Pilot Road 4 Trail.

Michelin Pilot Road 4
Pilot Road 4 120/60 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 120/70 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 150/70 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 160/60 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 180/55 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 190/50 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 190/55 ZR 17

Michelin Pilot Road 4 GT
Pilot Road 4 GT 120/70 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 GT 120/70 ZR 18
Pilot Road 4 GT 170/60 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 GT 180/55 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 GT 190/50 ZR 17
Pilot Road 4 GT 190/55 ZR 17

Michelin Pilot Road 4 Trail
Pilot Road 4 Trail 110/80 R 19
Pilot Road 4 Trail 120/70 R 19
Pilot Road 4 Trail 150/70 R 17
Pilot Road 4 Trail 170/60 R 17


Mõõdud ja hinnad: pilot road



Michelin Pilot Road 4 – touring mootorratta rehvid

Mootorratta rehvid Michelin pilot road 4

Michelin Pilot Road 4 – Touring mootorratta rehvid

Michelin Pilot Road 4 rehvMichelin Pilot Road 4 GT rehvMichelin Pilot Road 4 Trail rehv
120/60 ZR 17
120/70 ZR 17
150/70 ZR 17
160/60 ZR 17
180/55 ZR 17
190/50 ZR 17
190/55 ZR 17
120/70 ZR 17
120/70 ZR 18
170/60 ZR 17
180/55 ZR 17
190/50 ZR 17
190/55 ZR 17
110/80 R 19
120/70 R 19
150/70 R 17
170/60 R 17

Lisateavet: Michelin Pilot Road4 –

Kolm versiooni:

  • MICHELIN Pilot Road 4 rehv
  • MICHELIN Pilot Road 4 GT rehv
  • MICHELIN Pilot Road 4 Trail rehv


Leia parima hinnaga mootorratta rehvid: Michelin Pilot Road 4




Michelin Scorcher mootorratta rehvid

  • Harley Davidson mootorratta rehvid
  • Scorcher 11, Scorcher 31, Scorcher 32
  • HD custom / touring
  • Leia parima hinnaga mootorratta rehvid: Michelin Scorcher


The MICHELIN® radial built exclusively for select Harley-Davidson® models

MICHELIN Scorcher 11
Original equipment on these Harley-Davidson® motorcycles, with approved fitments for additional model years: Sportster® SuperLow™, V-Rod Muscle® and V-Rod® Night Rod® Special

MICHELIN Scorcher 31
MICHELIN® Scorcher® “31” tires are supplied as original equipment on these Harley-Davidson® motorcycles, with approved fitments for additional model years: Super Glide® Custom, Street Bob®, Wide Glide®, XL 1200 Custom, Nightster®, 1200 Low, Forty-Eight® and Iron 883

MICHELIN Scorcher 32
MICHELIN® Scorcher® “32” tires have been designed and engineered specifically for the iconic Harley-Davidson® Fat Bob® motorcycle. They’re approved replacement tires for all Harley-Davidson® Fat Bob® model years


Michelin Anakee Wild offroad rehvid

Michelin Anakee Wild mootorratta rehvid

Michelin Anakee Wild enduro rehv 2016!

  • 50% on road / 50% off-road
  • Kross offroad Enduro
  • Sobib teedel ja vähenõudlikul maastikul liiklemiseks

Tere tulemast! Suurim ja kõige mitmekesisem valik mootorratta rehve.

Rehvide suurusEnduro rehvidFront/Rear
150/70 R17 M/C 69R TLAnakee WildR
170/60 R17 M/C 72R TLAnakee WildR
110/80 R19 M/C 59R TLAnakee WildF
120/70 R19 M/C 60R TLAnakee WildF